Little boy pointing to his teeth
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10 Best Teething Hacks for Babies and Toddlers

Struggling with a teething little one? Check out these top teething hacks for babies and toddlers! These teething baby hacks include the best teething products along with incredible teething home remedies.

Swollen gums, overly cuddly baby, slobber overload, running noses, and baby in pain. Sounds like you need some teething hacks to soothe your little one!

When my baby began to get their teeth, it was a little hard. However, it was not the nightmare that everyone claims it would be. 

Here are the best teething hacks for babies and toddlers to help them get back to being the happy baby and toddler you know and love! 

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Teething Symptoms

How do you know when babies are teething? Teething symptoms are all different and really depend on your little one.

Some have a much harder time than others. The first tooth might be incredibly painful while the next few are not as hard.

Typically you may notice some of these teething symptoms: 

  • Drool and slobber
  • Wanting to chew everything 
  • More cuddly than usual
  • Hard time sleeping 
  • Doesn’t want to eat as much 
  • Swollen gums 
  • Painful sore gums 
  • More grumpy and crying more than normal

Best Hacks for Teething Babies 

If you’re wondering what’s good for teething babies and toddlers, here are some of my favorite teething tips that I used for my two children:

1. Earthley’s Teeth Tamer

One of my favorite teething tricks for babies is Teeth Tamer. I found this product in time for my second child and is was heaven sent.

Earthley uses two powerful herbs to create a teething relief serum that works wonders. 

Teeth Tamer will naturally soothe pain, drooling, and irritability due to teething pains and it is a good teething remedy for babies of all ages. 

Instead of using harmful medications or synthetic gels with unsafe ingredients and potential side-effects, Earthley uses completely clean products. 

Some benefits of Teeth Tamer:

• Helps reduce swelling 

• Antibacterial properties

• Provides sense of calmness 

This company never uses artificial flavors, sugar, or preservatives. They are vegan, 100% organic, and non-GMO. This company is seriously amazing. 

It is one of the best toothache hacks by far. I even use it for myself when I get a toothache!

This is what I use to help my teething baby sleep too. Works like a charm.

2. Use Amber Necklaces 

Every day my daughter wore an Amber necklace. The amber beads provide a soothing relief that helps her not be in so much pain. 

I’ve heard these work well with anxiety and other health problems as well. 

Amber teething necklaces are so beneficial for easing your little ones’ pain. It is also a natural teething remedy that makes a huge difference. 

Little boy pointing to his teeth

Here are just a few benefits from an Amber necklace: 

  • succinic acid is a natural analgesic which is released as the body warms the amber
  • natural pain reliever
  • helps to calm your baby
  • reduce inflammation
  • boost immune system

Some worry if Amber necklaces are dangerous. Make sure to be aware of your little one whenever they have the necklace on. 

Never let your child sleep with the necklace either as it can lead to suffocation. If you are worried about a teething necklace, try an amber anklet. It is safe to use, non-toxic, and does wonders for your baby!

Still worried about jewelry with your infant? Get an amber teether (like this). You won’t regret it.

You are their mama so use your intuition and decide if it is best for your baby or toddler. I personally think it is one of the top teething hacks for 1 year old.

3. Use a Variety of Teething Toys

Teething toys help distract from the pain all the while giving a chance to chomp away all day long!

There are so many different teething toys out there. However some are not as safe and effective for your little one. 

I prefer to use a variety of non toxic teething toys as it will keep your child busy and in less pain all throughout the day. 

Babies don’t have a long attention span, so if you give one toy at a time, it will help them the entire day. 

Here are the best teething toys for your baby. 

Wooden Teethers

Wooden teethers are a great alternative to plastic. There are some (like these) that are animal shapes that will later help them learn animals.

Teething Cloth 

Something as simple as a teething cloth can make all the difference in the world. 

Some moms like to give their baby a frozen washcloth as it helps further numb the pain. 

Teething Ring 

Another great non toxic teether includes a teething ring. 

We prefer the wooden rings as they are a lot safer than plastic and definitely more durable. 

You can find some with silicone beads attached which are also a safe alternative to plastic or all wood ones. 

Silicone Teethers

Silicone is completely safe and a better option than plastic. Here are some of my favorite silicone teethers:

Mom’s Teething Necklace

You will also find some teething necklaces that you wear. They are made with silicone beads that are safe for your child to chew on. These are also so helpful. 

Mom letting her baby suck on her teething necklace

Using these non toxic teethers are some of the top teething hacks for 6 month old!

4. Use Food 

There are a variety of teething foods that may help your baby. Some have brought my babies relief, so I help they do yours as well!

Teething biscuits help your little one to massage their teeth and chew as much as possible. 

Frozen foods also help to numb the pain. You can simply use ice or other frozen foods. Strawberries were a huge hit in our house! 

There are also those silicone food products for babies. You can stick a few frozen foods in that to also help your teething baby if you are worried about them choking on the food. 

One thing that we have found to work really well for us are pickles! They are cold and our kids always chewed on them for a long time. If you are worried about the taste and salt, then just rinse it before giving it to them.

It is one of the teething hacks I recommend for older kids so you don’t have to worry too much about them getting a piece off and choking.

5. Oral Pain Relief Remedies

When I noticed my little one is starting to struggle, I will often give her some Oral Pain Relief tablets from Hyland

They are a homeopathic company. Instead of trying to get your baby to take medicine through a syringe, they come as tablets that instantly dissolve in their mouth. 

This is another great teething hack for 4 month old. They are safe to use and provide so much comfort, especially at night. 

Hyland has a night time and day time relief for Oral Pain Relief tablets. We use both whenever our babies and toddlers are getting a new tooth.

We loved the Hyland Oral Pain Relief tablets so much that we get all our medicine from them! 

They even have tablets to help when they are sick and have a cold!

Camilia is another great brand that I also recommend. It is a clear liquid is made from plants, including chamomile.

We got some to try out in our free baby boxes and loved them so much we got hooked!

6. Frozen Teething Cloth

There are a few DIY teething hacks for babies and toddlers that I am quite fond of, and most you probably already have at home. 

One of these DIY teething tips for babies and toddlers is to use a frozen washcloth.

A frozen washcloth for teething baby can do wonders. It is soothing and doesn’t irritate your baby either. Plus, you don’t have to worry about them choking on any food.

It doesn’t hurt to try this teething hack out!

Baby with teeth coming up

7. Milkcicles 

One of the teething hacks with breast milk is to make milkcicles. Simply freeze your breastmilk or formula into a little popsicle container.  

Then let your little one chew and suck and enjoy the relief from their milkcicle.

With toddlers, you can use a variety of things to make your own healthy popsicles that work great for teething!  

8. Massage Gums

Sometimes all you can do is help massage their gums. Make sure you use a clean finger and gently rub.

I like doing this with their first tooth they are getting as I don’t have to worry about getting bitten with the other teeth.

You can try massaging the gums with Teeth Tamer for an added affect!

9. Copaiba Essential Oil

I worried about giving teething gel especially since there are so many kinds and after reading the horrible ingredients in them, I knew there must be a better option. 

I learned about using Copaiba essential oil and tried it out and it was super effective.

Now, this has to be done very carefully and never be inside the mouth. Essential oils are not supposed to be ingested, unless you are following a licensed aromatherapists instructions.

I rub along the outside of the jaw and on the bottom of the cheeks.

Baby with hands in their mouth

Using copaiba for teething has a myriad of benefits including: 

  • acts along with your bodies natural healing response
  • great for pain relief
  • anti inflammatory

I made a teething roller bottle with 2 to 5 drops of Copaiba essential oil and then rest with a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil. 

You must dilute for safety and shouldn’t use it on children younger than a year old.

We also use Lavender essential oil as well for it’s incredible benefits and it usually helps relax our little one.

Please make sure to check the ingredients and company where you get your essential oils from. You don’t want to harm your little one. 

I personally am comfortable with Mountain Rose Herbs essential oils as they are organic and I love their extensive process to keep their oils and herbs safe and effective. 

10. Lots of Cuddles

Sometimes the best thing for teething babies is holding and cuddle them. I found this out very early on when all my teething babies wanted were cuddles with me.

I could give all the teething toys and natural remedies for teething I wanted, but nothing seemed to work unless I was cuddling them.

I would babywear if I could so I could still play with my other toddler and get things done around the house.

You are their comfort as their mom, so sometimes this is the most effective thing!

How to Soothe a Teething Baby at Night 

You’ll also want some teething hacks for night time, since typically babies struggling the most at night when they are teething. 

One reason is because during the day, they have a lot of stimulus and things to keep them preoccupied. At night, they don’t and are much more aware of their pain. 

I like to incorporate a few teething hacks into my nighttime routine with my baby to help soothe my teething baby at night. 

Here is what I’ll typically use: 

  • Give a bath with Epsom salt and Lavender (Epsom salt has magnesium which helps you sleep better) 
  • Put some Teeth Tamer on their gums 
  • Massage their gums for a few minutes 
  • Massage their body with some Good Night Lotion that has magnesium to further help them sleep 
  • Give some Hyland’s nighttime teething tablets for further help 

Teething Hacks FAQS

Is it okay to give my Teething baby tylenol?

Tylenol is not the best option. It can contain harmful ingredients to your baby. I liked to use other products and natural remedies that are much safer. If all else fails, and your baby is still in extreme pain, I would use some Tylenol. Use your best judgment as their mom!

How Long Does Teething Last?

Teething can begin once your child is a couple of months old and typically lasts until they are three years old. By then, they should have 20 teeth. My two kids started getting their first teeth around a year old, but some are much earlier!

Are Amber teething necklaces safe?

Teething necklaces are usually safe. As long as you don’t let them wear a necklace when they are sleeping, and watch your baby, teething necklaces may be a big help to soothe your teething baby. 

Do babies get a fever when they are teething?

This is actually a big myth! Babies do not get a fever when they are teething. 
Sometimes teething will raise your baby’s temperature slightly higher. Some babies always seem to have a fever when they are teething but it is important to recognize it is not caused by teething. If your baby has a high fever, make sure to check that nothing else is wrong with your little one. 

Teething Hacks Wrap-Up

Hopefully, this list of the top teething hacks helps you and your little one through the teething stage! It is rough. But remember, it will come to an end. 

Take one day at a time, use the natural remedies mentioned above, and it will get better!